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From tool to teammate: Our view on AI within Microsoft's low-code applications


Technology is evolving, and so is Roboest. We’re pushing the boundaries of what Microsoft’s low-code technologies can do by integrating AI, making our solutions both smarter and faster. To capture the essence of how these advancements enhance our core operations, Lorenz Verheyden and Viccari Verelst share their findings and the practical benefits of AI in this article.

AI as a virtual assistant

At Roboest, artificial intelligence (AI) has moved from the sidelines to center stage, becoming a pivotal force in both the creation and usage of our low-code applications. It’s not just tucked away as a feature; AI is deeply integrated into our entire workflow, acting as a smart assistant that’s continuously engaged. This integration helps everyone involved—from users who benefit from streamlined processes to developers who can focus on innovation rather than routine tasks.

With AI embedded throughout our systems, it actively participates, suggesting improvements, automating repetitive tasks, and providing timely insights when they're most needed. This approach not only increases overall productivity but also makes our technology more intuitive and user-friendly. For our developers, it means faster coding and testing, allowing them more freedom to solve complex problems and innovate. In essence, AI at Roboest isn't just a tool—it's a team player enhancing how we work across the board.

Generative AI across Roboest’s services

Generative AI brings countless possibilities not only for our clients but also for us at Roboest. Here are some of the ways a Microsoft Power Platform Engineer might encounter Copilot generative AI:

  • Code Generation: Simplifying the development of applications with AI-driven code suggestions that accelerate project timelines.
  • Data Analysis: Utilizing AI to perform dynamic data assessments that can predict trends and optimize decision-making.
  • Customer Interaction: Deploying AI to enhance customer service interfaces, enabling more personalized and responsive communication.
  • Document Automation: Applying AI to automate the creation and management of documents, reducing errors and improving compliance.
  • Process Optimization: AI algorithms analyze workflow data to suggest improvements, making operations more efficient and less prone to human error.

These implementations showcase how generative AI enhances both our internal capabilities and the solutions we deliver to clients.

Accessibility and prudence in AI adoption

AI technology is readily available, and Microsoft’s plug-and-play functions are truly game-changing. At Roboest, this allows us to easily demonstrate these newfound abilities to our customers, revealing how AI can immediately improve their processes.  

However, to use generative AI well, they need a strong data foundation—something that many organizations still lack. We always give our clients honest advice, and recommend investments in data infrastructure that, even though they are not as exciting as immediate AI applications, are essential for future success.

Change management and the future of AI-driven software

At Roboest, we recognize that integrating AI into an organization's daily operations can be a significant change. It’s not just about new technology; it’s about transforming core processes and mindsets. Understanding this, we've adopted a strategic approach to change management, aiming to make the transition as smooth and effective as possible.

Our strategy focuses on collaborating with 'champions' within each client organization. These champions are proactive, informed individuals who grasp the full potential of AI and can clearly demonstrate its tangible benefits to their peers. By empowering these key players, we facilitate a smoother integration of AI technologies, ensuring that the new workflows are not only adopted but also optimized for maximum benefit. This method helps reduce resistance and increase overall enthusiasm and support for new AI-driven processes.

Looking to the future, we see a significant shift on the horizon for software development driven by AI advancements. Instead of traditional programming, we anticipate a new paradigm where software responds dynamically to commands, with AI agents autonomously executing tasks. This could fundamentally change productivity by automating complex data gathering and processing tasks, streamlining operations in ways previously unimaginable. At Roboest, we're excited to lead this shift, demonstrating that AI can radically transform not just workflows but entire business models.


At Roboest, we're transforming the role of AI in business by integrating it not just as a tool but as a teammate, enhancing every facet of our operations with Microsoft’s advanced low-code solutions. This evolution allows us to redefine what technology can achieve—from automating routine tasks to facilitating complex decision-making processes.  

With a commitment to ethical deployment and a forward-looking perspective, we're not just adapting to future advancements; we're actively shaping them, ensuring our clients remain at the forefront of technological innovation. This is the future of AI at Roboest—empowering, ethical, and revolutionary.

Interested in what low-code can do for your business? Get in touch with us to learn how our practical, value-driven technology deployments can exceed your expectations and significantly enhance your business operations.

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